Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Plain Jane Alpha Hydroquinone Developer Recipe

By John O'Keefe-Odom

Plain Jane Alpha Hydroquinone Developer

Water (Hot, 110F to 125F) 750 mL
Sodium Sulfite 60g
Hydroquinone 24g
Sodium Carbonate 80g
Cold water to make 1L
Dilute 1:4 at stock solution to water. Develop print paper normally.
This Plain Jane recipe above is little more than a modification of an Agfa 120 developer recipe. The difference being that Sodium Carbonate has been substituted for Potassium Carbonate. I based the substitution on available materials and a note in an Ansel Adams book that said he had used such a substitution with success in another developer formula.
I enjoyed mixing it up and using it. I hope you do, too. I was pleasantly surprised.
The developer yielded a full range of grays complimented by those full, rich, cold blacks that puts the black back in black and white photography.

Plain Jane Stop Bath

13cc glacial acetic acid
35cc water
water to make 1L to reduce the 28% acetic acid to a usable percentage per liter.
The proportions determined to scale this recipe up into 3L worth of solution were:
39cc glacial acetic acid (the amount of acid it would take to reduce to 28%, for dilution to a working solution, as above, but tripled to yield three liters of working solution).
2961cc water (water to make 3L)

Plain Jane Hypo
800mL hot water
240g Sodium Thiosulfate
200m water to make 1L

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