Table of Contents March 2009
A look at our recent articles and sections of the Blog. RSS feed for the syndicated lead paragraphs here.
Photos from near the Walnut Street Bridge on the North Shore. See more . . .
Link to our full page gallery of photos from 10th Annual Gateway Bank and Trust Communities in Schools run on our other website, AgXphoto.info
10th Annual Gateway Bank and Trust Communities in Schools Run
These are the higher contrast versions I mentioned earlier. See more . . .
Successful cameras for 120 films shelved; digital replacements promised for the future.
New leather and new foam; pretty soon it'll be in a new home! Link here.
Photos from the race! Read more . . .
Using the Yashicamat 124-G, which was my first choice when starting out medium format, our new instructional video outlines the basics for getting film into and out of the camera, so that new users can proceed with confidence. Check out the video on our sidebar on this page. Read more . . .
Whether you're working out some problems in the darkroom, or working out the kinks in your camera operations, these simple tests can give you a quick hand in the studio. You're going to love our test subjects.
No, it's not about preppy college kids. Beta Chi comes from BX, a shorthand I used for borax. Go Mule Team! This homemade borax developer is a modification of Plain Jane Alpha Hydroquinone. It works great. I've figured out how to use it as a universal developer. Recipe for the secret sauce is listed here.
Some of our construction notes and design tips for refitting that older telephoto lens with newer, more luxurious grips. We chose neoprene for its economy (yes, we paid a whopping 33 cents for the neoprene used on this lens) and for its ability to protect the lens assembly from knocks and pings.
We take a look at the rich Ektachrome dyes, processed through the Kodak Single Use Chemistry Kit, to use EDUPE in direct positive applications.
Can the K200D meter through those manual lenses? You bet it can. That, and more. We take a look at how to adjust the Custom Settings Menu to get the most out of Pentax's famous slogan, "Any Pentax Lens Ever Made." Not only will the new digital camera rock with Takumar screwmount lenses, it'll rock.
With a Changing Bag
Proudly presenting the article that served as an initial draft for the text I used to build our first instructional video.
Proudly presenting the article that served as an initial draft for the text I used to build our first instructional video.
How are you going to get that big roll of film in that little container without exposing it all and tying everything in a huge knot? It's easy. Read more…
Developing Agents and Chemical Exposure
A quick review of what's in photographic developers. Read more. . .
Have a Beer's Law: It Could Improve Your Photography
Simply put, if you put light in, and only get a portion of light straight out the other side, the energy that was lost along the way has to do with the properties of the material that the light went through. Very simple Read more…
Tripod Selection: Points to Consider When Purchasing
Would you expect a paper clip to hold up a bowling ball? That’s about the equivalent of what some of us expect when we’re looking at tripods. Read more. . .
Developing Agents and Chemical Exposure
A quick review of what's in photographic developers. Read more. . .
Have a Beer's Law: It Could Improve Your Photography
Simply put, if you put light in, and only get a portion of light straight out the other side, the energy that was lost along the way has to do with the properties of the material that the light went through. Very simple Read more…
Tripod Selection: Points to Consider When Purchasing
Would you expect a paper clip to hold up a bowling ball? That’s about the equivalent of what some of us expect when we’re looking at tripods. Read more. . .
AgXphoto.info Recent Articles
An earlier index, just in case I missed anything here. Read more. . .
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